OpenPlant Modeler Help

Custom Attributes Example

If a user wants to replace Trimmed elbows with Pipe Bends, use the following procedure to define the custom attribute.
  1. Launch the Class Editor (included with the OpenPlant Project Administrator install) and open the following schemas:
    • OpenPlant_3D.01.04.ecschema.xml ( ...\WorkSpace\Projects\OPModeler_Imperial\DataSet\Schemas\)
    • OpenPlant_CustomAttributes.08.11.ecschema.xml ( ...\WorkSpace\OPModeler\schemas\)
  2. In the OpenPlant3D.01.04 schema, navigate to Classes\Plant Base Object\Named Item\Device\Piping Component\Pipe Elbow\Pipe Elbow Trimmed node.
  3. Click on the Properties tab and select the Trim_Angle property.
  4. Click the Custom Attributes icon and select Add/Remove from the menu.
  5. In the dialog, select the PropertyMappingForReplace attribute and click the down arrow to add it to the Applied Custom Attributes section as shown below:
  6. Click OK to add the new attribute for the Trimmed Elbow.
  7. Right click on the Mapped To field in the new attribute section and select Add Element.
  8. Add PIPE_BEND|ANGLE to the newly created elements.
  9. Save the schema then restart OpenPlant Modeler .